LowCountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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How to Make a Large Church Feel Smaller

By Bryan Rollins

This blog post on connect is the second in a series about LCC’s five core purposes: worship, connect, grow, serve and reach. Did you miss the first blog post on worship? Read it here.

God created us for community, and discipleship happens in relationship. Christians need relationships with other Christians. But how do you find community and build relationships in a church that has thousands of attendees each week? At LowCountry Community Church, you can find a place to call home. Here’s how:

 1. Taking classes

Whether you want to learn more about God or get connected in the church through volunteering, Core Classes will help you discover your God-given purpose and equip you to make a difference in your community and the world. Core Classes happen every month in four consecutive Sundays, beginning with Connect 101 on the first Sunday of the month. Feel free to jump in at any time.

Each fall and spring, you can also attend a wide variety of classes to help you live a healthier, more vibrant, and God-honoring life. These classes address different aspects of life such as relationships, parenting, finances, and spiritual formation.

2. Volunteering

How in the world can you find community and discipleship in serving? It’s easy:

  • You never serve alone.

  • You serve on a team with a team leader encouraging you on.

  • You serve with many of the same people each week, which builds trust and familiarity.

  • You pray with your team before you serve.

As you serve on a regular basis, you see the same people and begin to get to know them. Before you know it, you are asking another volunteer how her week was and how her family is doing. My wife and I have served on teams and have felt close with others who were also serving. I believe that those relationships developed faster on the front lines of ministry.

At LCC, you can use your God-given talents by serving in a variety of ministries from investing in the lives of kids and students to playing an instrument and singing to greeting and directing traffic. It takes over 100 volunteers each week to make Sunday happen, and there are many other opportunities during the week for you to get plugged in.

3. Joining a group

You can get to know other people who will help you strengthen your relationship with Christ by joining an LCC group. Ranging from six to 12 people and meeting on a regular basis, groups provide a space for transparency and authenticity as you study God’s Word with others.

Remember, discipleship happens in relationship, and there is a place for you at LCC to grow in your faith journey with God.

Bryan Rollins lives in Bluffton with his wife Erica and their two dogs, Mia and Gracie. He serves on LCC’s middle school team as a 6th grade small group leader and on the Sunday morning greeting team.

Wherever you’re from, LowCountry Community Church is a place where your family can find a community to call home.