4 Reasons to Sponsor Teens through Compassion International

By Donna McMorrow

“And of some have compassion, making a difference … “  – Jude 1:22 KJV

Gangly. Awkward. Self-conscious. Insecure.

We have all experienced these feelings, but none more so than an adolescent living in poverty. For many of us, our high school years were filled with the freedom of having few responsibilities and the certainty about the direction of our futures. But for a teen in poverty, it can be challenging just to get through a year of school.

Photos courtesy of Compassion International.

Photos courtesy of Compassion International.

There are so many teenagers who are in need of vital support. Our family has been blessed to sponsor five teens over the years through Compassion International. Here are four powerful reasons why you should consider sponsoring an older teen:

1. Teens are often overlooked.

Teens usually wait the longest for sponsorship. This is even more so the case for older boys. Teens are also more likely to have had a previous sponsor. They can be confused as to why his or her sponsor discontinued the sponsorship. Being sponsored again can bring them a renewed sense of joy and hope as they journey into adulthood. They are so happy to have been chosen.

2. You can make a lasting impact in the life of a teen.

Adolescents want to be known and loved even while they are feeling gangly and awkward. Sponsoring an older student means that you bring your support at a pivotal moment in their young lives. Speaking love into their lives can make all the difference. Sponsorship reminds them of God’s unfailing love as they are provided with life necessities, education, encouragement and prayers. Sponsorship shows them that they matter and that they are loved, valued and capable. And, I learned first-hand that sponsorship also widens their opportunities. For example, 19-year-old Abie was able to purchase a cow and a goat to start a family business selling milk in her community, and 20-year-old Mary Ann left the program with employable skills and tools to become a hairdresser.

3. You can connect on a deeper level.

Communicating with an older teen usually comes with richer conversations. They ask and answer meaningful questions. They share their hopes and dreams. They tell about their life in greater detail. Vincent regularly shares with us memory verses and what he is studying in school. Twenty-year-old Jimi wanted to help people living in his community. He recently graduated from school and is starting work as a police officer.

Compassion International provides youth ages 12 and older with customized training and educational paths for their unique potential. (Photo courtesy of Compassion International)

Compassion International provides youth ages 12 and older with customized training and educational paths for their unique potential. (Photo courtesy of Compassion International)

4. Sponsoring a teen will allow you more flexibility.

Sponsorships in many countries end at age 21. Choosing an older child means that it is for a shorter time frame than sponsoring a younger child. This makes it a great option for a new sponsor. It allows you to see how sponsorship makes a difference for a person living in poverty. Sponsoring a teen is also a good option for anyone who is making changes in their own life. When my husband and I decided to retire and move across the country, we were confident that we would be able to fulfill our sponsorship commitment to an older child.

If you would like to bring hope to a child living in poverty, consider sponsoring an adolescent today!

Donna McMorrow and her husband have been married for 41 years. She is a retired special education teacher, adoptive parent, cancer survivor and child of the King. In her free time, she enjoys reading, photography and painting.

You can make a difference in a young person’s life by sponsoring a teen through Compassion International.